This week we're headed to warm, sunny Boston for our fifth PAX East! If you're coming to the show too, we hope you'll stop by and say hello to us at booth 8224. Here's what we'll have in store:
- Play a near-final build of Bastion for PS4: Our first game Bastion is coming to the PlayStation 4 on April 7 as part of the Spring Fever event! Come try it out, whether you're a dyed-in-the-wool Bastion fan or ain't ever heard of it!
- Play Transistor for PS4: Our latest game will also be playable at the show! Transistor of course is available now on PlayStation 4 and Steam.
- Pose for a Photo in Cloudbank or Caelondia: For the first time, we're setting up a photo booth where you can transport yourself to the worlds of our games! Pose with a one-of-a-kind scale replica of the Kid's hammer from Bastion, or a special surprise from Transistor. We'll email you the photo.

- Get Merch! We'll have a wide assortment of goods on offer from our online shop, including PAX-exclusive Pinny Arcade pins featuring the Kid and Red, art prints, T-shirts, and more!

That's our lineup! Here's where you can find us at the show, same place we've been the past couple of years if you've visited before:

To everyone planning to make the trek to PAX, we wish you safe travels, and hope to see you there.