We were so excited to let you know Bastion is just a download away for your Nintendo Switch, we made this handy image!
Get it now on the Nintendo eShop! ($14.99)
Bastion is our original action RPG set in a lush imaginative world, in which players must create and fight for civilization’s last refuge as a mysterious narrator marks their every move. To date, it's sold millions of copies worldwide and earned more than 100 industry accolades. We faithfully adapted and optimized this latest version for Nintendo's wonderful gaming console, so it's perfect for your living room or for playing on the go.

The first version of the game launched waaay back in 2011, when we were still working from the living room of a house! It's been a real treat for us to revisit the world and rediscover the secrets of the Calamity after all this time, and we hope you feel much the same. And, thank you! Your support over the years has made everything possible for us.